Saturday, July 02, 2005

Relief Society's BBQ!

I know this picture looks silly, but we were trying to make a basket out of the water melon..I didn't take picture of that basket..but I will get someone to send it over to me!! I promise! Posted by Picasa

That's us again..(Don't sigh!!) We are the BOMB! Yes we are..woo hoo! You should know their names by now..Haha Posted by Picasa

We had this BBQ at Bro.Wilson's backyard..our ward has a REALLY COOL Grill!! Oh oh! can you see the water melon basket behind us! That's what me and Mahera did! Wee! aren't we "da bomb" ! Posted by Picasa

Here we are! Ward 17th RS members! These are NOT ALL..I still have more pictures coming to my email and I will show you OUR girls! I was called as "Friendship Co-ordinator" in our RS. So, I have to organize activities for all our RS so that they can get to know each other and really KNOW each other..and YUP! the BBQ Went PERFECTLY FINE! I am so glad for all the supportive sisters..Gota love 'em SISTA! Posted by Picasa

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