Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Be the best that you can be

Well..I am now going through the most drastic change in my life. Yup, I am going back to school..and I will be moving many many miles away from home. Everyone is excited for me, felt jealous that I get to go abroad to further my studies..Yes I am excited as well. But No one will EVER understand what I have to go through to leave..a place call "home".
Anyhow, I am indeed grateful for the supportive aunties and uncles I have, not forgetting my mum. I am so grateful to have them in my life, to make things possible for me. Example, going back to school, taking a major that I have been dreaming for..I do not know how should I show my gratitude to them, but to study hard and "Be the best that I can" and not to let those to have Faith me, feel Disappointed..
And I will BE THE BEST THAT I CAN..below is an email my uncle who is my primary sponsor of my studies..

Dear Chewie,

Take full advantage of this opportunity to better yourself in your chosen field of study.
Meet and get to know more people with different background from all over the world. Have faith and confidence in your yourself and your abilities.

Be the best that you can be.

Peter Ng

For the years to come, I will make sure, I become what I can be...and not to "Disappoint" anyone that is now reading this... =)

Once President Gordon B. Hinckley said..

"Be smart. The Lord wants you to educate your minds and hands, whatever your chosen field. There can be no doubts, none whatever, that education pays"


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