Thursday, September 22, 2005

Dennis..Katrina..Rita..? Sounds familiar to you?

I am sure most of you WHO are interested in World News, have heard of Dennis and Katrina who hit Florida in the past couple weeks or months ago. Now Rita, Hurricane Rita is on her way to Texas. Evacuations, people refusing to leave, filling vehicles with gas, cashing money out, planning on where to go and how and when..

The U.S.
National Hurricane Center : said Rita's winds increased to 165 mph (265 kph) as it moved over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico after lashing the Florida Keys on Tuesday. The storm did little damage to the vulnerable Florida islands, but had intensified to a Category 4 storm by morning.

There will be more of other types of Hurricanes on the way, on Sunday our bishopric advise us to be ready for any of those that will be coming. They will keep us informed about the evacuations. On campus students will be place in the Stake center, whereby all the communities will be place in the Canon Activity Center. Everyone is so anxious about the coming of hurricanes, but there is actually nothing to be worried about if you are very well prepared =D. We were told to have out own grab and go bagpack. Things that we should bring along would be as follows;

- Bar of soap, wash cloth, hand towel
- Emergency food (energy bar or snack foods, etc), water
- Glasses or contact lenses (and lense care products), reading glasses
- Emergency medical information - prescription drugs, ongoing meds
- Extra underclothing
- Shampoo, conditioner, brush
- Deodorant, toothbrush, tooth paste
- Razor, shaving cream
- Other personal sanitary supplies
- Extra set of car keys (in case you forget where you put them last)
- ID (passport, visa, photocopy of everything in your wallet)
- Slippers
- Scripture, notepaper, pen, journals

everything else that is important =D


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